Manage Organization Users


By default, Aerofiler allows you to set the following user roles:

  • Admin - these users have access to all functions with the system, including deleting documents and setting permissions

  • Edit - these users have the ability to edit document metadata, for example setting counterparty, start date, contract term and relationships between documents

  • Read - these users have the ability to view, but not edit, document metadata

  • Limited User - users have no access to documents by default. Permissions need to be added using file-level or Document Type permissions

To change a user's role, click on the "Role" icon:

Then select the applicabel option from the dropdown:

It is also possible to define a custom role using Permission Schemes.

Document Permissions

Default role permissions can be overridden by Document Type permissions. Consider the following image for a user with a Read role:

To allow the user to have Edit access to documents of type NDA, you would change the Document Type permission as follows:


Aerofiler provides a deactivation function. To deactivate a user, clicking on the following icon:

and confirm the prompt. Deactivated users will:

  • not be able to sign in

  • have all reminders deleted

  • be removed from all teams

Last updated